If I were Dictator for a Day…
I’d close the House. SHUT DOWN CONGRESS.
Note - You can listen to the podcast version of this with myself, sidekick Sounder, and guest appearances by Chuck Schumer and James Madison (yes, that James Madison) by clicking here. Or - enjoy the read…
Right now the new Congress is getting ready to start its new session.
Looks like Kevin McCarthy will be the new House Speaker. Not a sure bet but as of this writing (end of November) he’s certainly the front-runner.
The Inside-the-Beltway special interests are already lobbying new House members. They’ll probably be quite successful. They seem to thrive no matter who is in power.
The January 6th Hearings will have ended.
Nancy Pelosi is taking a back seat in Congress… though a voice in the back of my head tells me she’s up to something. No way she’s giving up the power she had as Speaker. She is still a politician.
And the new congress will have plenty to do. McCarthy has already said the first act of the new Congress will be to get rid of 87,000 new IRS Agents. Of course, none of the agents have been hired yet, to my knowledge. And while it’s a nice gesture, I don’t think it should receive the symbolic reverence of a number one item.
How’s this for a number one item: nothing happens in the House until the border is shut down.
You might think the House does not have the power to close the border. But it does, if Kevin McCarthy, and House members are really committed to solving problems of our country. And the fact is an open U.S. Border may just be the number one problem America is facing.
I know the economy and inflation are generally thought to be the biggest problems by most Americans. But here’s my take: the American economy will survive the Biden Administration, despite Biden’s efforts to destroy it, particularly by shutting down energy. It will come back if we let it. But it might not come back, or it may be in for a much longer struggle: if our open border policy is left unchecked and thousands of illegal aliens continue to flood the border on a daily basis; if we let tons of illegal drugs – especially fentanyl – continue to be smuggled across an open border; if we let the Mexican cartels run the southern border of our country smuggling drugs, trafficking women and children for sex, pushing hordes of illegal aliens (many of whom are criminals, including rapists, murderers and known terrorists) across our borders.
Here’s the beauty: the House can shut down the border by shutting itself down.
I’m sure Democrats and the President have bills they want passed. So will a lot of Republicans.
They’re elected as lawmakers – they feel they need to create laws.
But Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans’ very first act should be to tell the President of the United States that nothing gets through Congress until the border is closed, tight.
Congress, in particular the House of Representative, is vested with the power of the purse. That’s the ability to tax and spend money for the national government. It’s in Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution.
(You can hear Jimmy Madison explain why he wrote this section in our companion podcast, Close the House – The Podcast).
“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.”
Our founding fathers gave the power of the purse to the people’s House of congress since the people are the ones footing the bill.
And that’s how the House gets to control spending.
It’s a lot of power.
McCarthy and House Republicans need to step up to the plate on this issue and tell Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats that the bills stop here, at the House, until you close the border, Joe. You opened it. You can close it. Not Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He’s just a toady for what Joe did, invite the world to flood our country illegally.
So, if I was DICTATOR FOR A DAY - Everything arriving at the house would be DOA – Dead on Arrival – including ANY spending bills until the border is locked down.
The president is putting together his economic plan but he has to get it through Congress.
Dead on Arrival!
Government Funding?
Dead on Arrival!
More ice Cream Cones for Joe?
Dead on Arrival!
Get the picture? If Biden’s not putting the brakes on illegal migration into our country we put the brakes on anything he’d like to do.
Basically there’s a new sheriff in town. And his name is Kevin McCarthy.
But, you ask, what about necessary services – like defense?
Glad you asked. There would be certain exceptions. Military could continue operating. So could the Border Patrol. We’d transfer the proposed funding for 87,000 new IRS agents to 87,000 new Border Patrol Agents. With the border closed, they’d be free to fans out into the country and track down everyone who entered illegally for deportment.
That could take awhile, but what’s the alternative?
Look at what happens if we leave this illegal invasion unchecked.
The first act of anyone crossing the border illegally is – committing a crime. So why, if that’s a person’s first act upon entering the country, should he or she be allowed to stay?
The cost to the nation of this invasion is staggering. And will continue to be if not stopped.
Taxpayers are funding housing, transportation, meals, healthcare and free cell phones for millions of illegal aliens that have walked across the southern border and surrendered to US authorities. Estimates are more than 5 million illegal aliens have come into the country that way, processed by Border Patrol. Then, they are given welcome bags of free stuff including free cell phones. They’re being told – “Ah, we’ll schedule an amnesty hearing for you and let you know on your cell phone so you’ll know when and where to show up.” They are then put on busses and planes and transported around the country.
This is going to cost billions, lots of billions.
In October, Homeland Security sources told Fox News another 500,000 known gotaways had snuck across the border. Those are the ones that Border Patrol Agents saw but could not catch. Usually that’s because the cartels had just driven hundreds across another border point, to distract agents from the criminals, drug runners and other miscreants they were shepherding across another border point (the gotaways.)
Virtually every one of those gotaways could be a criminal, a drug smuggler, human trafficker, gang member, terrorist because, we simply don't know. Why wouldn’t they walk up to a Border Patrol Agent and say they want to apply for amnesty?
But our president is welcoming them to America.
So is Chuck Schumer-
Yea – the Senate Majority leader wants to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. And he’s trying to justify it by saying Americans aren’t having enough children. And it’s the only way to save America. But, wait a minute. Isn’t Schumer part of the abortion-on-demand crowd? Yes, but he’s also a member of the hypocrisy first crowd, so he can say whatever he needs to to advance his agenda. Which isn’t saving America, it’s saving the Democratic party.
The glut of illegals at the border is all about votes.
But Schumer and others who support Joe Biden’s open-border, NO-border policy are either too stupid to realize the short and long-term damage or they don’t care. I suspect both.
Short-term, the damage will be all the millions (probably billions) of dollars I mentioned earlier that taxpayers are footing unnecessarily.
Long-term? All of these illegal aliens will dilute the American work force. That’s going to depress wages. It will to lower the standard of living for millions of Americans living in this country legally, paying taxes and obeying the law. It will force more and more Americans below the poverty level.
A large illegal population will severely damage the health care system and social services. Those systems will be quickly overburdened. Americans won’t be able to get the medical services they need because the healthcare system has been diluted, rendered inefficient or non-functioning. As healthcare staff are overworked, they’ll leave healthcare, further crippling an already depressed healthcare system. The same will happen to social services.
Our schools will be overburdened. School and municipal budgets will fail.
And there’s more.
The Cartels will continue human trafficking forcing women and children into the sex trade. The border patrol is stopping some of it but not all of it.
The cartels will continue trafficking drugs like fentanyl. More drugs will mean more Americans addicted and dying. It will not lessen unless we close the border. With an open border it will only increase.
Fentanyl is killing more than 200 Americans every day in this country.
Each of these deaths is a life-altering tragedy visited upon an American family. These aren’t families of drug addicts, they are often families of someone who thought they were taking oxycodone or Adderall but turned out to be counterfeit, containing fentanyl. And they died.
Every one of those deaths is on Joe Biden. Every single one.
And why?
It’s easy to figure. Joe Biden could close the border in 30 seconds but he won’t. Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrat mob want the border open because they see it as a pipeline for more Democrat voters – more power for Democrats – the welfare of our country be damned! Democrats and their biggest supporter, the teacher’s union, have turned the public school system and colleges into a pipeline producing brainwashed voters. They’re not satisfied with that. Now they want to flood the country with illegal aliens, grant them all amnesty, and allow them to vote. That goes without saying.
What do we do?
We tell Kevin McCarthy to close down the House. Shut down virtually everything until the border is closed.
Nothing has to be delayed. Joe Biden simply needs to close the border now and the legislative process can continue uninterrupted in the House. But if he doesn’t, it should grind to a halt.
You can contact McCarthy him by calling his office at 202 - 225 – 2915…. Tell Kevin McCarthy to please shut down the house until the border is shut down.
That’s what I’d do – if I were Dictator for a Day.
In this case – call Kevin McCarthy. He can do it.
That number again: 202 - 225 – 2915. Operators, or at least a voice mail system, are standing by.
You should also call your own Congressman and give him or her that same message, loud and clear.